
Source code for bmi.grid_unstructured

#! /usr/bin/env python
"""Interface that describes unstructured grids."""

from .grid import BmiGrid

[docs]class BmiGridUnstructured(BmiGrid): """Methods that describe an unstructured grid. .. figure:: _static/grid_unstructured.png :scale: 10% :align: center :alt: An example of an unstructured grid. """
[docs] def get_grid_x(self, grid_id): """Get coordinates of grid nodes in the streamwise direction. Parameters ---------- grid_id : int A grid identifier. Returns ------- array_like The positions of the grid nodes. See Also -------- bmi.vars.BmiVars.get_var_grid : Obtain a `grid_id`. Notes ----- .. code-block:: c /* C */ int get_grid_x(void * self, int grid_id, double * x); """ pass
[docs] def get_grid_y(self, grid_id): """Get coordinates of grid nodes in the transverse direction. Parameters ---------- grid_id : int A grid identifier. Returns ------- array_like The positions of the grid nodes. See Also -------- bmi.vars.BmiVars.get_var_grid : Obtain a `grid_id`. Notes ----- .. code-block:: c /* C */ int get_grid_y(void * self, int grid_id, double * y); """ pass
[docs] def get_grid_z(self, grid_id): """Get coordinates of grid nodes in the normal direction. Parameters ---------- grid_id : int A grid identifier. Returns ------- array_like The positions of the grid nodes. See Also -------- bmi.vars.BmiVars.get_var_grid : Obtain a `grid_id`. Notes ----- .. code-block:: c /* C */ int get_grid_z(void * self, int grid_id, double * z); """ pass
[docs] def get_grid_connectivity(self, grid_id): """Get connectivity array of the grid. Parameters ---------- grid_id : int A grid identifier. Returns ------- array_like or int The graph of connections between the grid nodes. See Also -------- bmi.vars.BmiVars.get_var_grid : Obtain a `grid_id`. Notes ----- .. code-block:: c /* C */ int get_grid_connectivity(void * self, int grid_id, int * connectivity); """ pass
[docs] def get_grid_offset(self, grid_id): """Get offsets for the grid nodes. Parameters ---------- grid_id : int A grid identifier. Returns ------- array_like of int The offsets for the grid nodes. See Also -------- bmi.vars.BmiVars.get_var_grid : Obtain a `grid_id`. Notes ----- .. code-block:: c /* C */ int get_grid_offset(void * self, int grid_id, int * offset); """ pass